When we learn to gaze upon our experience and to connect that experience with Jesus Christ, a peace begins to set into our hearts that runs deeper than the things of this world. Every Christian must give time to allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate what is going on inside so that we can learn to discover Christ in our lives.

We all need to learn to meditate.

When I talk with older Christians who have a certain peace and gentleness, without fail, I find that they have many habits of spontaneous reflection. It need not be exclusively in a Church or in a public place where all can see, but each one of them has learned the art of meditation.

Some might take walks through the park and allow themselves time to talk with Jesus. For others, they may have a favorite spot in their house where they walk through their day and their lives under the scrutiny of the Holy Spirit.

Virtuous and holy people realize that they need unscripted time to explore and connect with Jesus.

Unfortunately, such wisdom is not carried on from generation to generation.

That is why I am dedicated to teach the next generations the power and importance of developing such habits of thought and reflection. I am convinced that if we can all learn to set aside time daily for such exploration, both our Church and our world will become a better place.

Give it a try. Download the meditation and learn some strategies. Then, try them out at times and places that make sense to you.